
sultana th

The exhibition will be hold. Tuesday, May 12, 2015, starting at 17.00, at the headquarters of MNIR no.12, Calea Victoriei, Sector 3, Bucharest.

National Museum of Romanian History, under the Ministry of Culture in collaboration with the Museum of the Lower Danube - Călărași,County Museum "Teohari Antonescu" - Giurgiu, The Museum of Gumelnița Civilization Olteniţa, Institute of Archaeology "Vasile Pârvan" ,-Bucharest History Museum "Grigore Antipa" , Bucharest City Museum and University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest organizes temporary exhibition entitled “Archaeology interactive and exploratory radiograph of a lost world. Looking back to the past: Sultana-Malu Rosu, a prehistoric settlement 6000 years ago”.



"Looking back in the past: Sultana-Malu Roşu, a prehistoric settlement of 6,000 years ago" is a proposed exhibition dedicated to the moment when we celebrated 90 years since the first archaeological excavations in this site (1923). From objective considerations independent of us, our project could, however, materialize only now, in the spring of 2015. The exhibition is a large project, coordinated by the National Museum of Romanian History and developed in partnership with the County Museum "Teohari Antonescu" Giurgiu, Museum of Lower Danube Călăraşi, The Museum of Gumelniţa Civilization Olteniţa, Bucharest City Museum of Archaeology, Institute "Vasile Pârvan" Bucharest Museum of Natural History "Grigore Antipa" Bucharest University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine.

The exhibition project desired a genuine blueprint for a settlement of 6,000 years ago in southeast Romania, well known to specialists in the field, both at national, and international levels. Eneolithic settlement of Sultana-Malu Roşu, Mânăstirea, Călăraşi County, is a special case of Romanian Eneolithic since it was the first Gumelniţa site to be the subject of exhaustive scientific research in the 20s of last century, under professor Ion Andrieşescu, helped by the young Vladimir Dumitrescu, a graduate student at the University of Bucharest at that time. Basically here was investigated for the first time by representatives of the school of archeology in Romania The Gumelniţa what today we call culture, a civilization, being dated around the second half of the fifth millennium BC., part of the great cultural complex Kodjadermen- Gumelniţa-Karanovo VI in the Balkans.

Based on the foregoing, the exhibition "Looking back in the past: Sultana-Malu Roşu, a prehistoric settlement of 6,000 years ago" aims three major achievement, which constitutes the main objectives:

1. The size of historiography (biographical) - which will describe the history of this archaeological site, one of the oldest in our country, but also the people who made those findings, authors of those facts "unknown" not found in exhibitions of archeology performed in a classical manner, namely, time, work and passions consumed by people who make possible bringing to light artifacts and events from the past that we view them later in exhibitions, on the internet or TV;

2. The size of archaeological pluri- and interdisciplinary - where we present exceptional discoveries made over time in the site of Sultana - housing, tombs, ornaments, vases, lithic tools, tools made of bone and horn, antler ornaments of materials ( IMDA) and metal - systematically organized by category of specific activities prehistoric communities that used the following principles of know-how, know the why and know-who (such as built, how they lived, what materials they used, what tools were, what they ate, how they procure food, how they burried their dead etc.);

3. The size of the experimental - where we present some results of the Architecture and Experimental Archaeology (2010-2014) integrated into the exhibition itself, for better understanding and visualization of Sultana Neolithic community of 6,000 years ago. This will include both artifacts experimentally obtained by us in order to better understand the communities 6,000 years ago, some technical and functional problems, and some exploratory to the public, that will be able to view the process of obtaining artifacts similar to the prehistoric ones.


The exhibition does not cover an overview of the three dimensions described above in a didactically, "cold", scientific way (without ignoring this dimension), but a presentation in a form exploratory and an artistic sense, narrative, smooth, harmonious, reflecting the complexity of the facts and artifacts presented and displayed, enabling a true exploration of the exhibition, creating depth and emotion, but also lead to the acquisition of new knowledge. In this sense, the theme route exhibiting the following concept maze and how spreading out to present a legible and accesible, coherent and integrated discovery and archaeological data as a veritable scenography scientific and artistic. The concepts exhibition are those of radiography of the past and a lost world, the biography of a prehistoric settlement and the identity of the people who lived 6,000 years ago. The form of visual expression unconventional desired one multidimensional, involving a combination of graphics black and white, in combination with archaeological artefacts and reconstructions of archaeological contexts, combined with sounds and lights. The interaction between exhibits and public is complex and extrasensory, so that visitors feel transported to an atmosphere conductive to the birth of sensations, perceptions and feelings.

The achievement of this exhibition at the National Museum of Romanian History was a real challenge for several reasons. First of all the space available for mounting the exhibition was one already arranged for another exhibition ( "Treasures of China in Romania" -2012), showcases and display elements are thus largely predefined. This has imposed an adaptation of the theme to the exhibition space and the existing technical solutions and artistic display of archaeological artifacts and expression of ideas suggested by the exhibition. Secondly, the idea of presenting a sequence in the history of a community of 6,000 years ago, who lived in the present territory of Romania, not a simple approach, especially when the aim of the exhibition was not a simple display in showcases of outstanding archaeological artifacts, as it normally does in the case of classical exhibitions. Thus, this exhibition aims to integrate interdisciplinary scientific data, the latest, to be presented to the public in a manner accessible and understandable. In this respect, mention only the data of the analysis paleogenetic (DNA) performed on skeletons from the cemetery of Sultana, demonstrating the genetic proximity between populations 6,000 years ago and those in Romania today.

Considering all the above, we hope that the exhibition "Looking back in the past: Sultana-Malu Roşu, a prehistoric settlement of 6,000 years ago" will represent a unique approach to Romanian exhibition landscape, bringing to the public passion for history and archeology and unique multisensory experience.

Expoziții și Evenimente



Addresss: The Gumelnita Civilization Museum, Argeșului street no. 101, 915400 Oltenița, Călărași County, Romania.
Phone/fax: 0242.511.174

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Program and access

The Museum of Gumelnița Culture

Program: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 16 p.m.

Entrance fee: General entrance: 2 lei;
Discounted tickets (for seniors, students and children): 1 leu.

Photographed items: - Individuals 20 lei - Corporations 100 lei.
Guide for groups 1-10 people 10 lei, more then 10 people 20 lei.