
AFIS OLTENITA de Odinioara th


The Museum of Gumelniţa Civilization with Olteniţa’s Town Hall and the Technological High School "Nicolae Bălcescu", represented by the teachers Violeta Ibiș and Liliana Niculiţă and photographer Laura Stoica organize the “City Days” and the "Different Week” a series of cultural events designed to celebrate the most important moments in the city's history.

The program will include a photo exhibition "Old Oltenita" with a series of photos retouched and original as well as an exhibition of costumes and traditional objects specific to residents of the Danube Plain inside the water tower in Olteniţa and the activities of non-formal nature in The Great Park and in the Technological High School "Nicolae Bălcescu", Olteniţa activities which are part of the project "Tezaur Cultural" - a project that aims to promote respect for etnografic diversity in this area. Dates of the events will be April 13 to April 24, 2016. The opening exhibition will be on April 13, 9:00 at the Water Tower. The citizens eager to know the city's history are invited to participate in large number in the events announced

drd. Theodor Zavalas

Muzeul Civilizatiei Gumelnita Oltenita
0727.845.536 / 0242.511.174


Dublu eveniment cultural: Expoziția „Oltenița de Odinioară” și expoziție de costume și obiecte tradiționale „Tezaur Cultural” în parteneriat cu d-na fotograf Laura Stoica, Lic. teh. „Nicolae Bălcescu” reprezentat prin doamnele profesoare Violeta Ibis și Niculita Liliana precum și Dunarea. Edu.

Fotografii realizate de Laura Stoica.

Expoziții și Evenimente



Addresss: The Gumelnita Civilization Museum, Argeșului street no. 101, 915400 Oltenița, Călărași County, Romania.
Phone/fax: 0242.511.174

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Program and access

The Museum of Gumelnița Culture

Program: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 16 p.m.

Entrance fee: General entrance: 2 lei;
Discounted tickets (for seniors, students and children): 1 leu.

Photographed items: - Individuals 20 lei - Corporations 100 lei.
Guide for groups 1-10 people 10 lei, more then 10 people 20 lei.