Expos and Events


afis expozitia peisaje la dunarea de jos oltenita 2015


13 February to 15 March 2015, the Museum of Gumelniţa Civilization,Olteniţa and National Heritage Institute organized the exhibition "Peisaje la Dunărea de Jos".

The exhibition represents a significant event in the series of events designed to continue the project „Peisaje Arheologice. Perspective, istorie, evoluţii"(May-October 2014) held under the aegis of the European project ArcLand (ArchaeoLandscapes Europe), whose main objective was to promote the concept of landscape and archaeological research methods used in Romanian scientific menu.

The exhibition will take place from 13 February to 15 March 2015 at the the Museum of Gumelniţa Civilization, Olteniţa (Str. Argeşului, no. 101). The visit program of the museum from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 4:00 p.m...

Through the exhibition "Peisaje la Dunărea de Jos"it’s wanted the reconstruction of the image of the landscape that changed in time, the cause of that being mostly intense living in the proximity of the lower Danube. With aerial photography could be found traces of human habitation from different periods: mounds, fortifications, waves, furrows of earth and abandoned settlements.

The approach started with the project „Peisaje Arheologice. Perspective, istorie, evoluţii"and continued through the exhibition"Peisaje la Dunărea de Jos"it aims - to a larger scale - the discovery and exploitation of the numerous testimonies of the past and follow the development of natural and cultural landscape that would otherwise remain unknown and under the pressure of economic, demographic, farming techniques, aggressive changes of natural environment and modern infrastructure development it’ll be destroyed.


 Oltenița: Expoziția „Peisaje la Dunărea de Jos” 13 februarie – 15 martie 2015, Muzeul Civilizației Gumelnița

Expos and Events

Fotografii de la evenimente


Addresss: The Gumelnita Civilization Museum, Argeșului street no. 101, 915400 Oltenița, Călărași County, Romania.
Phone/fax: 0242.511.174

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Program and access

The Museum of Gumelnița Culture

Program: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 16 p.m.

Entrance fee: General entrance: 2 lei;
Discounted tickets (for seniors, students and children): 1 leu.

Photographed items: - Individuals 20 lei - Corporations 100 lei.
Guide for groups 1-10 people 10 lei, more then 10 people 20 lei.